The Dorset South and West Methodist Circuit covers a wide geographical area, from the historical village of Tolpuddle up in the north of the Circuit, down to the Jurassic coastline of Portland and to the western edge of our District over in the Market town of Bridport. We are a circuit of 12 churches, with a mixture of Methodist Churches and Local Ecumenical Partnerships. Some of our communities are embedded in vibrant Market and Coastal Towns, others are rural Churches in very rural communities. We have a strong emphasis in the circuit of a 'Mixed Economy of ministry', where we use people (both Lay and Ordained) to share in encouraging, enabling and pastorally supporting our congregations.
Seeking growth & enabling mission
What mission is in our circuit
Circuit Superintendent
Revd John Yarrien
Circuit Administrators
Mrs. Maria Jacobson
07570 036288
Mrs. Jacqui Trent
07709 601567