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Methodist Circuit
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What Mission is in Our Circuit

The Circuit meeting recently adopted the following emerging understanding of what Mission is and looks like in our Circuit. Some of this is deeply embedded in practice across the circuit and some aspects are being developed in the coming years:

God is at the centre of all mission activities, and we seek to be guided and shaped by God's presence and Christ's example.

  • We wish to encourage our congregations and communities to see a world where God is active, by sharing our human story and connecting that to God's story of Love.
  • We seek to build relationships with the communities we serve.
  • We will find ways to be intentionally inclusive and open for all people.
  • We want to reach out to our communities with acts of service that meet people at the point of their need
  • Our buildings need to be resilient, warm and welcoming, so that they can be places of community, mission and outreach.
  • We intend to explore what the "shape of church" looks like, and seek to offer a "mixed economy" of both lay and ordained ministry, worship, discipleship and outreach.
  • We hope to build mission teams who share a common interest / passion, and shape mission from there.

Both the Circuit Leadership team and I, hope and pray we will continue to be attentive to God's voice, calling us to seek and reach out, using our buildings and resources as bases for Mission and Evangelism, as we seek to grow the Kingdom of God in this place, as a people called Methodists.

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Registered Charity No. 1150182

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Circuit Superintendent
Revd John Yarrien

Circuit Administrators
Mrs. Maria Jacobson
07570 036288

Mrs. Jacqui Trent
07709 601567

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© 2025 – Dorset South & West Methodist Circuit