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Dorset South and West
Methodist Circuit
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Rev John Yarrien

rev john yarrien

Hi. My name is John Yarrien and, I am the Superintendent Minister of the Dorset South and West circuit. My wife Cora and our two Labradors "Rolo & Poppy", join me on this next adventure, serving God amongst you. I believe that we must open our hearts to God's love, hope and compassion, poured out for all, through Jesus' life, death and resurrection. Embracing that love, means that we must share it wider and deeper in our communities. Doing so in all the ways we can, to all the people we can, as often as we can. God, calls us to serve and seek him, in our changing world, in the everyday joys and sorrows of life. And as our new Growth and Evangelism strategy proclaims – 'God is for all', and so we must watch over one another and the world in Love. May you know the breadth, depth, and wideness of God's love for you and all the world.

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Registered Charity No. 1150182

Get In Touch

Circuit Superintendent
Revd John Yarrien

Circuit Administrators
Mrs. Maria Jacobson
07570 036288

Mrs. Jacqui Trent
07709 601567

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© 2025 – Dorset South & West Methodist Circuit