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Methodist Circuit

Thy Kingdom Come 2020 – Weymouth & Portland

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Thy Kingdom Come 2020 with the Church of Weymouth and Portland in Action (REFRESH).

Thy Kingdom Come 2020 is now complete although we hope that people will continue in prayer for our world, this nation and the communities of Weymouth and Portland.

Each day we presented a short reflection by local church leaders on the theme from Thy Kingdom Come. There was also be a 24-hour prayer meeting on Saturday 31st 8am until Sunday 31st 8am where we were joined by church leaders and many local Christians from around the town and island.

The online reflections can be found on our YouTube Channel by clicking here.

''Every single day hundreds of millions of our brothers and sisters around the world say the prayer Jesus put on our lips, praying 'Thy Kingdom Come'. In the past few years, the focus of our prayers in these days between Ascension and Pentecost has been for the coming of the God's Kingdom in the lives of family and friends, neighbours and colleagues that they might come to faith.... when we pray 'Come Holy Spirit' during Thy Kingdom Come 2020 we pray in this specific context of the COVID crisis, with all that we face, all that is unknown and all we are helpless before.'' A statement from Rev Canon Chris Russell

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Revd John Yarrien

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Mrs. Maria Jacobson
07570 036288

Mrs. Jacqui Trent
07709 601567

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