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Dorset South and West
Methodist Circuit

Flutecakes for Contact Centre

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Flutecakes is a group of 16 adult flautists, founded by Tracey Green 10 years ago. And a feature of all rehearsals is a break for home made cake. We are a group of mixed ability including members that had not played since they were teenagers, members that have learnt as adults to support their children and some that have continued playing after school. In normal years we rehearse once a month at the United Church Dorchester. During lockdown we have rehearsed once a month via zoom.

At this time of year we normally hold a concert at the United Church Dorchester and raise funds for the Dorchester Child Contact Centre, who hold sessions at the Church. This year our concert has been recorded individually using mobile devices, and has been lovingly mixed together by Tracey to produce this video to support the charity. This has been a new and learning experience for all members and Tracey.

If you enjoy the video we are grateful for any donations.

The Dorchester Child Contact centre, holds sessions at the United Church Dorchester and is a charity which enables children of separated families to enjoy contact with one or both parents and sometimes other family members in a comfortable, safe and neutral environment. The Centre is accredited by the National Association of Child Contact Centres to provide a 'supported contact' service.

Accredited child contact centres help parents and children in five main ways

Provide a safe, neutral, welcoming space for children to spend time with parents (or other people important to them, such as grandparents).
Support parents to help them prioritise the needs of their children post separation.
Promote mediation so that long-term solutions can be found to keep children in touch with both parents.
Offer resources, information and advice for families dealing with separation.
Provide specialist supervised interventions where children may be exposed to a higher level of risk.
For more information visit

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Registered Charity No. 1150182

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Circuit Superintendent
Revd John Yarrien

Circuit Administrators
Mrs. Maria Jacobson
07570 036288

Mrs. Jacqui Trent
07709 601567

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