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Easter Gardens in Broadmayne

Easter Gardens at Broadmayne First School

After the successful Nativity Festival in which all the pupils at Broadmayne First School participated, the school invited members of the two Broadmayne churches, St Martin’s and the Methodist Church, to come into school to help the pupils make Easter Gardens. So just before the end of term five members from the two churches went to the school to work with 27 pupils in Year 1.

The pupils were very excited and eager to have a go at making their own gardens, but first of all Rev David Johnson told them the Easter story. There was much interaction with the pupils answering and asking many questions, demonstrating their knowledge of what happened 2000 years ago.

Then it was time to be creative. Following careful instructions, the pupils scooped soil into their trays, added a tomb with a large stone placed in front, made a path to the tomb using small stones, planted violas, daffodils and bellis, covered the soil with moss and finally added the three crosses on a mound, one of which they tied together themselves.

The venture was supported by our local Dobbies Garden Centre for which we are most grateful.

After such a successful afternoon the members of the two churches will be thinking about what can be done next in outreach with the First School.

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Revd John Yarrien

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Mrs. Maria Jacobson
07570 036288

Mrs. Jacqui Trent
07709 601567

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