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Dorset South and West
Methodist Circuit

Bridport United Church (Methodist and United Reformed) is a local ecumenical partnership (LEP) where Christians of more than one denomination are working together. The church is situated at the heart of the small market town of Bridport in Dorset.

Our weekly worship services happen on Sundays at 10.30am, followed by tea & coffee.

On the first Sunday each month at 4.00pm we have Soul Space, contemporary informal worship which includes tea & cake.

On the 4th Thursday each month at 3.30pm we have Messy Church for primary school age children & their carers, which also includes a hot meal.

We have a weekly prayer meeting on Zoom and various house/bible study groups.

You are very welcome to come and join us!

Here are some of our other activities
On Wednesdays from 10 a.m we're Open for Tea/Coffee and fellowship in the hall at the back of the church, with a light lunch of soup and toasties served from 12 noon as part of our Warm Welcome Initiative.
We're also open for Coffee on Saturday mornings from 10-12 noon
1st Saturday each month from 9- 11.30am – Big Breakfast
3rd Thursday each month from 2- 4.30pm – Crafts & Fellowship followed by Tea
4th Wednesday each month from 12.30-2.30pm – Lunch Club.
All are welcome!
You can find out more by visiting our website; contacting the Church Office (open Wednesdays 9-11.30am) on 01308 459191; or by email: or visit our Facebook page.

Quick Links

Registered Charity No. 1150182

Get In Touch

Circuit Superintendent
Revd John Yarrien

Circuit Administrators
Mrs. Maria Jacobson
07570 036288

Mrs. Jacqui Trent
07709 601567

Circuit Map

© 2025 – Dorset South & West Methodist Circuit